
ampps "How to ..."

How to use AMPPS

  1. Default MySQL root password is "mysql".
  2. To access localhost, visit url http://localhostDocumentRoot is path/to/Ampps/www folder.
  3. To access AMPPS Enduser Panel, visit url http://localhost/ampps
  4. To access AMPPS Admin Panel, visit url, http://localhost/ampps-admin
  5. To access phpMyAdmin, visit url http://localhost/phpmyadmin
  6. To access SQLiteManager, visit url http://localhost/sqlite
  7. You can "Restore Default Configuration" files of Apache, PHP & MySQL from their respective Tabs in AMPPS Control Center. Note: Your previous configuration will be lost.
  8. You can change MySQL root password, visit url http://localhost/ampps/index.php?act=mysqlsettings. You can also refer this wiki.
  9. You can secure AMPPS Enduser/Admin Panel, visit url http://localhost/ampps/index.php?act=secure. You can also refer this wiki.
  10. Enable/Disable Python Environment (Right click on System Tray Icon of AMPPS Control Center -> Configuration -> AMPPS -> Python Environment)

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